1161Y is a big-time Cooper herd sire! He’s a big ribbed bull that sires tons of depth and volume. He is a big footed, big nutted bull with extra bone and base width that produces outstanding daughters with great udders. 1161Y was used successfully at Cooper Herefords; in Cooper’s 2018 bull sale catalog, 15 of the 24 bulls pictured were out of either 1161Y's sons or his daughters. 1161Y sired several donor cows for Cooper's including the dam of their 2018 top seller who sold to Hoffman Ranch for $170,000. It has been a real honor and blessing to have 1161Y and 3297A at the same time. The quality of calves they have left us have been amazing! 1161Y and 3297A complement each other very well and we feel the 1-2 punch we should get from crossing their genetics in the future, will help take us to the next level.